Exhibitor Instructions

Thank you for becoming an exhibitor at the Iowa Bicycle Summit & Expo. We are excited about this year’s event. Booth space numbers are provided on the website (www.iowabikeexpo.com).  Additional information is available on the website. We look forward to a great bike show and I hope everyone can meet new customers


Iowa Events Center
Hy Vee Hall C
833 Fifth Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515-564-8000


The Iowa Bike Expo requires exhibitors to have insurance for the event.  Exhibitor agrees to obtain commercial General Liability insurance to be in effect on the Event Date and shall furnish a certificate of insurance to the IBC by January 1, 2025. Said limits of insurance shall be in an amount not less than $1 million per occurrence and $2 million in the aggregate. Exhibitor’s insurance shall list the Iowa Bicycle Coalition, Inc., Comcast Spectrum, LP, and Polk County, Iowa as Additional Insureds for the Event Date.

Addresses for additional insured as follows:
Iowa Bicycle Coalition P.O. Box 5562, Coralville, IA 52241
OVG360 730 3rd St, Des Moines, IA 50309
Polk County 111 Court Ave, Des Moines, IA 50309


Here’s the shipping label to use that has the shipping address for the Iowa Events Center: SHIPPING LABEL 


Saturday, January 25:

The build begins at 7 AM. The show starts at 9 AM.
The event tear down begins at 3 PM.

Friday, January 24:

The build begins at Noon and ends at 6 PM.  There is no security for the area on Friday after the end of the sessions. We cannot accept responsibility for items lost, stolen, or broken.


Exhibitors may access the expo floor from the parking area near the Vets Auditorium Ticket Office, the 5th Avenue loading docks.  Please check in with the Expo Manager before driving onto the floor area.  Parking is available at the lot north of the Iowa Events Center. Iowa Events Center charges $12 for parking in this lot. There is on-street parking available in the vicinity, as well as a parking ramp nearby. Exhibitors may not leave vehicles in the building.

If you have purchased parking, a placard will be on your booth table when you arrive.


A 6′ table and two chairs surrounded with pipe and drape will be included with every booth. There will be an 8′ table and two chairs in the mini booth areas. There are no backs to the mini booths. Complimentary wireless Internet is available during the expo.


The Iowa Events Center and OVG360 control the catering functions at the Iowa Events Center. You may not bring in outside food or beverage. If you plan to offer samples, please send in the catering form in advance of the event. OVG360 may be able to assist with ice or food preparation as needed. Other items available are soft drinks, coffee, box lunches, pizza, popcorn, and snacks. Call the Iowa Events Center or visit http://www.iowaeventscenter.com for more information on exhibitor services.  Download Public Event Exhibitor F&B Info Packet and/or Private Event Sample Authorization Request for further information.  Catering contact is Makenzie Schurk makenzie.schurk@oakviewgroup.com.



If you will be selling to attendees, Iowa requires all vendors (including out-of-state vendors) to pay sales tax on sales at the event and obtain a sales tax permit.  It is a pretty simple process that only requires annual filing per calendar year. Link for more information: https://tax.iowa.gov/iowa-sales-and-use-tax-guide#filing


The staff at the Iowa Events Center can provide additional support and answer questions as needed.  Their phone is 515-564-8000 and our venue manager is Ellie Cutler.  The Iowa Events Center does have policies for exhibitors.  Refer to their website at http://www.iowaeventscenter.com/convention/exhibit-at-an-event/exhibitor-policies/ for more information. If you require electricity at your booth, the cost is $150.00 from Iowa Events Center. Event services will be present and assist with electricity as needed.


Expo Director
Luke Hoffman

Iowa Events Center – Venue Manager  (Do not call with questions about the event, only the facility (e.g. lost and found))

Event Manager
Lily Couchman
Office: 515-564-8141 | Cell: 515-418-2631